I think that each one of us, be it scale modellers or any other kind of craftsman quickly realises that to properly do your job you need your space. At the beginning at least, it really does not matter that much how big that space is or how much you can invest in it. Most important is that this place is intended for your hobby. That gives you this peace of mind that you would not have to move it around in the worst possible moment, or clean the place when you are in the middle of your work. It is yours and you can leave it as it is and you can get back to it whenever you want to.

I was fortunate enough to have my place for the hobby and to be able to invest in it from the very beginning. As soon as I bought my first model, basic tools and paints I invested in modular workshop system from HobbyZone. If you are like me and you like tidiness at your work place then this is money well spent. You can choose between many different modules in different sizes which you can then arrange as you see fit.

I quickly realised that proper lightning is very important not only to clearly see what I am doing but especially not to strain my eyes too much. I did a quick research and found Professional LED Task Lamp.
Having two models finished I decided it is time to buy my first airbrush - having that, first spray booth followed. In the mean time I had more and more tools and paints so I ordered more HobbyZone modules and ended up adding another table to my workshop.

When I decided that I need a bit more space I moved all workshop to another room. Additionally I bought a shelf for my models, installed led lights inside and added plexiglass opening at the front and hung it on the wall.

Below you can see my current setup. What changed is that I bought additional lamp, missing storage modules and I replaced spray booth for the profesional one from Bench Vent. I hope you like it.